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What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is the traditional and holistic system of medicine from India. It is one of the oldest scientific medical systems in the world, with a long record of clinical experience. The word Ayurveda has two Sanskrit components: ‘Ayu’, which means life and ‘Veda’, which means the knowledge; hence it is knowledge of life. This ancient system of medicine has evolved over time, integrating centuries of wisdom derived from practical, philosophical, religious illumination and intensive meditation adding years to life and life to years. It shows how our lives can be influenced, shaped, extended and ultimately controlled without interference from sickness or old age.

Can one take Ayurveda Medicine with modern medicines?
If not indicated otherwise by the attending physician, ayurvedic medicines can generally be taken along with allopathic medicines. Moreover, ayurvedic medicines are used as adjuvant to allopathic medicines in many chronic and degenerative diseases. As such there is no harm to consume simple herbal formulations of Ayurveda. However it is always a good practice to take medications with due consultation of the ayurveda expert.

How is Ayurveda different from Modern medicines?
Modern medicine treats the symptoms in the short term, rather than addressing the root cause of a patient’s suffering. Ayurveda on the other hand, makes its special contributions by addressing the uniqueness of each patient and by helping each body to heal from the root cause of the ailment. Thus, Ayurveda looks at a longer term solution to patient suffering in comparison with modern medicine.

What is Panchakarma ?
The pre-procedures are called ‘Poorva Karma’ and consists of digestion (Pachana), oleation (Snehan), fomentation (Swedan). Basic objective of ‘Panchakrama’ (Five internal detoxification procedures) is to remove the excessive accumulated toxins, which causes the vitiation of ‘Dosha’ (fault). If any ‘dosha’ is imbalanced, either due to environment or dietary factors it is often difficult to be normalised with diet and drugs alone. Actual ‘Panchakarma’ procedures are always preceded and succeeded with specialised procedures. If used as therapeutic measure they can be done at any time of the year, i.e., at the time the disease occurs. If one uses it as a preventive measure, it should be used at the appropriate time for each ‘Dosha’. ‘Poorva Karma’ include ‘Pachan’‘Snehan’’Swedan’

Do Ayurvedic drugs have side effect?
As Ayurveda drugs are entirely made of natural substances which are bio-compatible, they usually have no side effects. Moreover patients will not become physically and psychologically dependent on them.ayurvedaClick Hereayurveda

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